Clothing mold removal method

※Hand washing method:
1. Put on gloves first
2. Pour some bleach for the colored clothes on the stains~~ Wait a few minutes to brush off the mold.
3. If there are still some mold left, the whole thing will be soaked (not too much bleach).
4. Add one-fourth of the bottle of laundry detergent, and sip a little bit of clothes~~ Let him wash it for about half a day.

Ps : There is a kind of mold-specific clothing soft and fine (yellow) brand is very good (Bear XX) can also go to a mold ! This can roughly remove the mold...

Mold should be removed quickly, otherwise it will be more difficult to wash!

How to clean moldy clothes?

How to do the clothes moldy?

After the clothes have passed through and left for a few days without washing, the clothes are prone to mold, then you can:
1. After washing the laundry with detergent, put it in boiling water, boil and dry.
2. Directly expose the moldy clothes to the sun, remove the moldy dirt and dust with a brush, and then clean with detergent.

3. Soak in diluted bleached water and rinse with cold water.

4. It can also be soaked in diluted ammonia or white vinegar, then rinsed off with water.

Method of removing clothes from mold

First, use the sun... Use the fire to bake or roll the water to kill the mold, then use the brush to lightly brush. If there is still dirt left, you can use the kitchen neutral detergent to warm the water five to six times diluted, then use gauze to stain, and rub it from the inside. Then pat it with warm water for two to three times to blur the surrounding area, let it dry naturally and iron it with an iron.

If the clothes are white cotton, then the method of bleaching cotton clothes with bleach is very simple. We can first dilute the bleach with water, then soak the washed moldy clothes for 1-2 hours, there will be a big improve. If the clothes are not white cotton, the above method is not applicable. At this time, you can use a brush to soak the water, gently brush the mold off, then put it in the shade and then iron it with the iron. This can also improve the clothes. The shape of mold stains.

The bleach concentration of each label is different. Please read the instructions attached to the bottle before use. Do not increase the concentration yourself, so as not to accidentally corrode the clothes.

Wardrobe is very heavy if it contains moisture

It will lead to yellowing or mildew after the season change. You can put a layer of newspaper under the bottom to dehumidify or use a dehumidifier to prevent moldy clothes. Add a few pots of water to a few pots of lemon to cook and put the clothes into the soak. Cool and wash again.

Remove clothing and baggage

When you smell the musty smell in the closet, you can add two tablespoons of white vinegar and half a bag of milk in the clean water of the washtub, soak the clothes in this specially blended laundry water for 10 minutes, let the vinegar and milk absorb the clothes. Musty, then wash, wash, left, right, finally cleaned with water, the musty smell is gone.
If you are in a hurry to go out, you can't use this method to remove the musty smell. You can also try the mildew method with a hair dryer:
Hang up the clothes, set the hair dryer in the cold windshield, blow the clothes for 10 to 15 minutes, let the wind take away the musty smell of the clothes, and then you can safely put it on the door.

Wipe off the clothes
More terrible than the mildew is the mildew! A good white shirt became a spotted dress overnight, and it must be laughed at when you put it out. Don't worry, the method of removing mold is simple.
Put the moldy clothes into the rice water and soak for one night to let the remaining protein absorb the mold. The next day, the color of the rice water became darker, and the mildew had been cleared a lot. For areas where the mildew is still stubborn, apply a 5% alcohol solution or scrub it several times with hot soapy water. Then, as long as you wash it regularly, the mildew can be completely removed.